Top features for enterprise digital signage

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Top features for enterprise digital signage

If you are considering a digital signage deployment for your large company, you are likely overwhelmed when trying to decide what is important and what is nice to have. While it would be useful to study all your options for weeks, you also have a deadline to hit and need to call a shot soon. In this article, we hope to make this job easier for you. Below, we outline several important features for enterprise digital signage that make your deployment easier to get out the door, manage, and build on over time.

SSO and SAML support for enterprise digital signage

In large enterprises, user management is extremely important and, sometimes, time-consuming. When employees, contractors, and consultants come and go, the company needs to be able to quickly and easily manage employee access in order to maintain security. With SSO and SAML support in your digital signage tool, enterprise users can use Auth0, okta, and, for example, SAML with Microsoft Azure, to set up and manage user accounts.

Granular user access controls for enterprise digital signage

In addition to user management at the level of who has an account and who does not, it is also important for enterprise digital signage users to be able to manage user access controls. For example, which users can publish content, and which users can only organize and upload content? Can some users only access billing information? Granular access controls make solutions for these questions possible. These controls help provide an additional layer of security and protection to make sure that users cannot accidentally or maliciously cause issues that impact the entire account.

Consolidated billing and invoicing for enterprise digital signage

We get it: enterprise invoice and billing management is difficult. Accounts need to be reconciled, and budgets need to be set. This workflow is difficult if enterprises cannot get the information they need quickly and easily. Make sure that your enterprise digital signage solution has custom billing and invoicing options. These options can include keeping accounts simple with consolidated billing for multiple locations. Additionally, it is important that the enterprise digital signage vendor can work with the company and provide the monthly or annual terms that they need.

Enterprise-Grade Security

Enterprise-grade security is essential for any software in the corporate world. With a long-standing commitment to robust security practices, we invite you to learn more about our approach on our security page.

Support service-level agreement (SLA) for enterprise digital signage

Digital signs are meant to be seen, and this reality means that issues with digital signs are seen, too. When hardware or software needs troubleshooting, enterprise teams need to feel confident that they have access to the timely support they need. This is where service-level agreements become a key decision point for enterprise digital signage customers. Make sure that the enterprise digital signage solution you choose can meet your company’s SLA needs. Having the support you need when you need it is key for maintaining mission-critical digital signage around the clock.

Dedicated account manager for enterprise digital signage

Sometimes, a personal touch is key to success. Support coming from round-robbin responses from dozens of support agents can work at times. However, having a dedicated account manager who knows the ins and outs of your business can be vital to a company’s success with enterprise digital signage. This dedicated account manager can serve as an important liaison between the digital signage company and your enterprise and make sure that everything is running smoothly. In addition to helping with troubleshooting when necessary, they can also act as a coach, guiding you on how to best implement a complex digital signage deployment and how to get the most out of your existing account.

Ability to integrate and customize enterprise digital signage

Another important feature and consideration of enterprise digital signage is whether the solution can work with the company’s existing tools and tech stack. One way to look into this consideration is to see if the digital signage tool has applications and integrations.

However, digital signage applications are great if the work out of the box, but the often need a few tweaks. Make sure that your enterprise digital signage application allows for app customizations at the code level. This developer-friendly digital signage allows enterprise teams to build custom digital signage solutions that make sense with in their existing workflows and tech stack.

Getting started with enterprise digital signage

The best way to learn more about digital signage and to see if it works for the enterprise deployment you have in mind is to schedule a demo. In the demo, a team member can show you the ins and outs of Screenly’s enterprise digital signage features and can answer any questions you have.

Additionally, it’s possible to get started right now on your own with a free trial. We do not require a credit card at signup, and you can get inside Screenly right now for free. Additionally, you can even experiment with displaying content on your web browser with the Screenly virtual screen option.

That’s all for now! If you have any questions or want to learn more about our enterprise digital signage, feel free to reach out to Screenly Support.

Picture of Daniel Mountcastle
Daniel Mountcastle View Profile
Daniel runs content marketing at Screenly.

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